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Features and Plans

According to the development plan of the Graduate School of Taiwanese Culture, we have set the following curriculums:

The Literature Program offers training in theories and methodologies to study Taiwanese literature to prepare the talents of studying Taiwanese literature. The Program also enlarges students’ macro-perspectives in research, teaching, or creativity. The History Program trains the talents to study Taiwan history and aims to prepare their competence in academic research and social practice. Both programs share the teaching staff and allow students to take courses in both programs. This arrangement provides students with a cross-disciplinary learning environment to inspire their potential.

As the name suggests, the Graduate School of Taiwanese Culture pivots on studying Taiwanese culture and extends training to Taiwanese literature, history, cinema, photography, folklore and ballads. The Graduate School integrates academic resources to offer balanced, diverse, and forward-looking curriculums. The academic potential accumulated by Taiwan Culture Lecture Hall, Excellent Lecture Series of Cultural Taiwan, Academic Lectures in Taiwanese Literature and History, the academic journal of Taiwan Studies in Literature and History, and the Kám-Á-Tiàm e-Journal has already attracted attention from all social circles.

The Graduate School of Taiwanese Culture upholds the objectives of training researchers of Taiwanese literature and history and raising its academic level. The Graduate School cultivates the knowledge of Taiwanese literature and history, strengthens the professional contents, and lays down the academic landscape of the Graduate School for training professionals in Taiwanese cultural studies and establishing the cultural subjectivity of Taiwan.