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Daytime Master Program

In order to train excellent professionals, the Graduate School integrates literature and history to develop balanced, characteristic, and forward-looking curriculums. Through interdisciplinary program planning with literature and history as the core, our students can extensively engage with the specialized knowledge of both disciplines while also benefiting from the essence of both curriculum groups. The dual core constructed by Taiwanese literature and history empowers students to deeply understand and master Taiwan’s own cultural strength, facilitating a more precise positioning in their research endeavors.

The curriculum structure of the Graduate School aims to enhance students’ independent research abilities through thesis writing and researching special topics in Taiwanese literature and history. These trainings equip students with the ability to engage in creative writing and historiography, cultivate foundational knowledge and research skills, and provide them with the skills to conduct field works and oral history interviews. This combination of practical experience and theoretical depth can complement each other effectively. Furthermore, the Graduate School incorporates subjects such as professional creative writing, applied literature composition, Taiwanese literature and history teaching, Taiwanese literature and history guidance, and cultural broadcasting and communication. This approach helps students develop cultural creativity and the competence to apply their knowledge of literature and history. As a result, the students will possess a broad perspective on Taiwanese literature, history, local perspectives, and international awareness. This, in turn, equips them with the ability to teach Taiwanese literature and history and engage in practical work related to Taiwanese literature, history, and cultural creativity.

The Literature Program:

Required courses: 6 credits.

Elective courses: 22 credits, and a student must take 1 course from the History Program.

Total: 28 credits.

The History Program:

Required courses: 6 credits.

Elective courses: 22 credits and a student must take 1 course from the following courses:

“Historical Data and Research Method,”

“Theory and Practice of the Oral History,”

“Topics in Maritime History of Taiwan,”

“Seminar on Ching Dynasty Taiwan,”

“Topics in Taiwanese History during the Japanese Rule,” or

“Seminar on History of Post-War Taiwan.”

A student may take 4 credits from other graduate programs or universities after approval.